11 Feb
Overcoming the barriers to establishing a European environmental framework for geothermal projects
Nell’ambito del Progetto Europeo GEOENVI, saranno organizzati a partire dal mese di Febbraio 2021 una serie di Webinar tematici. Il primo webinar che apre la serie di incontri “Overcoming the barriers to establishing a European environmental framework for geothermal projects ” avrà luogo il 23 Febbraio 2021 dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 12:00.
Si riporta di seguito l’Agenda dell’iniziativa:
Introduction – Philippe Dumas, Secretary General of EGEC and GEOENVI project coordinator
GEOENVI Recommendations on licensing and Environmental Impact Assessment for deep geothermal projects – Pieter Valkering, Senior Researcher, VITO
Session 1 – Project licensing: a national overview
Italian Case Study – Fausto Batini, Chief Technology Officer, Magma Energy
French Case Study – Paul Bonnetblanc, Chargé de mission, French Ministry for the ecological transition
Hungarian Case Study – Annamaria Nador, Senior Geologist, Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary
Session2 – Round table “How to facilitate the permitting process for geothermal energy?”
Reaction from the European Commission
Round table with:
European Commission’s representative
Helga Ferket, Policy officer – senior researcher deep underground, VPO (Belgium/ Flanders)
Cannur Bozkurt, JESDER (Turkey)
Herdís Helga Schopka, Ministy for the environment and natural resources (Iceland) tbc
Fausto Batini, Magma Energy (Italy)
Paul Bonnetblanc, Ministry for the ecological transition (France)
Annamaria Nador, Geological and Geophysical Institute (Hungary)
Questions & Answers session with the audience
SAVE THE DATES – Di seguito il Calendario dei Prossimi WEBINAR che avranno luogo nell’ambito del Progetto GEOENVI
18 February: Webinar on the GEOENVI Web Platform to test project simplified LCA models for geothermal plants
2 March: Air quality
9 March: Seismicity
16 March: Social engagement
18 March: Water quality
23 March: High-level policy event – Investing in Geothermal energy as a key solution for a Just Transition
13 April: LCA and sustainable finance